
Near Infrared Imaging

Wrentham, Massachusetts

Near Infrared Imaging (NII) incorporated in September, 2013, and is a “Corporation In Good Standing” with both the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the State of Delaware.

Near Infrared Imaging, Inc., is owned in part by:

The Regents of the University of California (UC) -

The City University of New York (CUNY) -

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) -

The Vein-Eye is FDA registered, has the CE Marking, has been certified by Intertek for the IEC 60601 3rd edition and has had only two (2) technical support requests in two (2) years.

Below is a video of a patient’s veins with the
new Vein-Eye CARRY

Below is a video of the Vein-Eye, during sclerotherapy, performed by a Cardiologist

Images Of Various Veins  With, And Without, The Vein-Eye

Home Infusion Therapy - Need For The Portable Vein-Eye CARRY

The home healthcare market is ready to explode. And, the Vein-Eye CARRY will be the only portable and lightweight solution -Administer_IV_Antibiotics_at_Home__Study.html

THURSDAY, Dec. 24, 2015 (HealthDay News) -- Patients can be taught to safely self-administer long-term intravenous antibiotics at home, without the help of a health care worker, a new study suggests. Some infections require treatment with IV antibiotics for six weeks or more.

The patients who self-administered had a 47 percent (47%) lower rate of hospital readmission over 30 days.

Home Infusion Therapy Services Market to Witness Exponential Growth by 2025. Home infusion therapy services address the growing demand of infusion devices in the homecare market and the increase in the elderly population using the infusion devices for long term.

Vein-Eye CARRY

The future for vein illumination lies with NII and the new Vein-Eye CARRY, which will be released as early as June, 2018.

The new Vein-Eye CARRY only weighs 3-4 lbs. and is able to be carried into the home or throughout a hospital or clinic.

The Vein-Eye CARRY is able to be attached to a chemotherapy chair, a hospital bed, an isolette in the neonatal intensive care unit, a metal or wooden bar in an ambulance, a desk, a home chair or couch, or a nearby wall.

Demand For The Vein-Eye CARRY

There are 30,000,000 – 40,000,000 vein punctures everyday worldwide.'

There are 2.7M vein punctures every day in the USA.

Care delays occur in approximately 25 percent of all patients regardless of care setting due to the inability to establish IV access.

One in three attempts result in failure in adults, and one in two attempts fail in pediatrics. That translates to 50% failure in pediatrics.

The failure rate of vein punctures ranges from 10% to 40% with critically ill patients, where time is of the essence and vein punctures are challenging.

Drawing blood or placing an IV can be dangerous to both the patient and healthcare practitioner if the patient has Ebola, AIDS, SARS, Measles, Chicken Pox or Tuberculosis.

Industry forecasts are that “image guidance systems” will increase the success rate of IV placements in difficult patients by 50%-80%.

The requirements for the small, portable, high quality, high definition and inexpensive Vein-Eye  CARRY are obvious and growing.

It can take 40-45 minutes at the bedside to do a PICC line. With image guidance systems, it’s a 5-10 minute procedure.

Above are a pediatric unit and a chemotherapy ward, where large hospital carts are ineffective.

Since the advent of the Vascular Access program in February 2014 and December 2016, St. Joseph’s Hospital has seen a remarkable and unexpected level of cost-savings: nearly $3.5 million in total. To learn more, read Becker's article here.

Vein-Eye CARRY - Lou Gehrig's Syndrome And The Prevention Of Infiltration And Extravasation

The #1 cause for medical malpractice lawsuits, when a patient is receiving medicine from an IV, is due to the inadvertent leakage of medicine from the intended vein into the surrounding tissue.

  • Infiltration and Extravasation can cause a mild skin reaction, severe necrosis, infection, complex regional pain syndrome and acute limb compartment syndrome (ALCS ).

  • The Vein-Eye CARRY will monitor the infusion, display an image continuously on an HD monitor or a Tablet, and allow the healthcare practitioner to prevent leakage.

  • The Vein-Eye CARRY Tablet can be attached to a chemotherapy chair in the hospital, on a table or a desk in the home, or attached to a bed in the home or in the hospital.

  • A new FDA-approved drug, Radicava, demonstrated conclusively in testing that the medicine reduced the rate of decline in physical ability in patients with ALS by 33%.

  • Once available, Radicava will be administered through an IV, which patients can receive at an outpatient center, at their own homes, or at a healthcare provider’s office. 

Competitive Advantages Of The Vein-Eye CARRY

The MSRP of the leading selling vein illumination devices range from $4,000 to $9,000.

The MSRP for the new Vein-Eye CARRY will be in the $2,499.

The Vein-Eye CARRY will perform significantly better than the competition when the patient has hair on the hand or arm, dark skin, or collapsed veins.

The Vein-Eye CARRY shows real-time video of the entire arm and hand; our competitors project a small reconstructed image back onto the arm and hand

The Vein-Eye CARRY will be used by the VNA (Visiting Nurse Association), mobile healthcare practitioners, in nursing homes, assisted living facilities, ambulances and the Emergency Room – anywhere quick and accurate vein punctures will save lives

The Vein-Eye CARRY will be used in the battlefield on night vision goggles.

The Vein-Eye CARRY solves the space problem with the NIC (Neonatal Intensive Care), the ICU, the OR, the ER and the chemotherapy infusion areas.

Portfolio Of Future Products To Be Developed With The Profits From The Vein-Eye CARRY

2018 – 2019 Optical Ultrasound Tomography™ (OUT)

 Optical Ultrasound Tomography™ will detect real-time bleeding in the skull at the scene of the injury. The technology is non-contact photoacoustic imaging. The technology was developed at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

 OUT will send the images of bleeding in the brain to a waiting neurosurgeon from the battlefield, sports venue, automobile accident or home.

2018 – 2019 NII BIO

The NII-BIO is non-contact vein-recognition biometrics using multiple modalities (fingers, palm, geometry of hand, finger and palm veins) for secure identification and authentication.

The technology was developed at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, the patent application has been filed, and NII has exclusive rights

NII has received rave reviews from the Dept. of Defense and the Combatant Technology scouts for its ability to image veins and its plan to develop the NII-BIO.

The Team

Michael Feeney, President, M.S., Northeastern University, Boston, MA, has twenty (20) years sales and sales management experience with optics in medicine and optical networking.

Mikhail Fridberg, MSEE, has experience in all phases of optical hardware projects including requirements definition, system design, specification, component design and Implementation and algorithm development

Ross Goldman, Financial Consultant, MBA, Babson College, Wellesley, MA, assists in the preparation of business plans, projections, tax returns and risk management.

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We are a residential service agency and we provide skilled-nursing home service care, durable medical equipment, oxygen services and physical therapy.

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477 Madison Avenue,

6th floor,

New York, NY 10022



10752 Deerwood Park Blvd.,

Suite 100,

Jacksonville, FL 32256



1700 Rockville Pike,

Suite #400, 4th Floor,

Rockville, MD 20852


Standard Medical Equipment Systems, LLC – DBA, (“Standard Med” ) is a certified minority (MBE) Veteran (SDVOSB) owned company, certified by the Center for Veteran Enterprises, (CVE).— Standard Med was established by Anthony B. Goodesmith, in the year 2005, to deliver high quality medical devices and laboratory equipment. Mr. Goodesmith served as a highly decorated combat signaler/communications officer in the U.S. Army and New Jersey National Guard for over 18 years. His units took part in Operation Desert Storm, and several other military campaigns after the 9/11 U.S. Terror Attacks (Operations Enduring Freedom and Noble Eagle). He received his B.S. in Marketing and Media Arts from Long Island University, NY, and his Master’s degree in Biotechnology Management from The University of Maryland University College (UMUC).Mr. Goodesmith has been working in the health care, medical industry in sales and management for over 20 years at several Fortune 500 pharmaceutical and medical device companies. Such as Eli Lilly & Company, Solvay Pharmaceuticals, AstraZeneca, Inc., Roche Laboratories, Inc. and now Standard Medical Systems, LLC. He has received the Elite Salesman Award, President’s Award, U.S. Congressional VIP Citation, and achieved #1 status in selling various pharmaceutical drugs and medical devices throughout his career. Mr. Goodesmith shares his tremendous expertise as a staff writer for the DC Health-Technology Examiner, based on his exceptional knowledge about the epidemiology of health-related issues and via medical device, regenerative, biological solutions. You may reach Mr. Goodesmith at his corporate email address: We pride ourselves on our distinct array of medical devices and diagnostic equipment we offer to the healthcare community, which delivers the highest quality control, safety and efficacy with the latest breakthroughs in medical technology.

Our ultimate aim is to work daily with the sole purpose of raising the standards of healthcare delivery for all people.
We are part of the health care technology industry. Our target market is the US Federal Government, VAMC’s, DOD, State and local municipal agencies, and the overall wholesale/retail healthcare consumer market. Our primary products are diagnostic medical devices, to include durable medical equipment, regenerative medicine, and surgical implants/ wound care products. Important characteristics of these products are to aid in the diagnosis and to facilitate treatment of particular disease states and physical ailments of various types. Our products differ from our competitors, in that we offer state of the art cutting edge medical devices, diagnostics and supplies in an underserved and specialized market population.


1700 Rockville Pike,

Suite #400, 4th Floor,

Rockville, MD 20852



477 Madison Avenue,

6th floor,

New York, NY 10022



10752 Deerwood Park Blvd.,

Suite 100,

Jacksonville, FL 32256


Standard Medical Equipment Systems, LLC, Hospital Supplies, Fulton, MD