First Aid & CPR Training

CPR & AED Certification Course


With more than 350,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests occurring in the United States annually, bystanders are the key to increasing survival rates! This course will teach you how to respond to emergencies that happen at work, at home and in your community.


Through lecture, videos and hands-on practice, you will be able to respond confidently to emergency situations. Skills and topics include:

• Adult CPR

• Child* and Infant* CPR

• Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Use and Safely*

• Adult and Child Choking

• Infant* Choking

• And many more!

*Optional topic



The primary purpose of the FOP- CPR Plus program is to provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation commonly referred as CPR training to participants to recognize and respond appropriately to cardiac, breathing, and first aid emergencies. There are over 35,000 cardiac related incidents that occur outside of a hospital daily. Participants can be individuals who witness or come upon a person who has collapsed because of a medical emergency and is in need of emergency medical assistance. The courses will prepare by training the participants by teaching the knowledge and skills necessary to provide immediate life saving care to injured or ill persons until emergency medical services arrive to provide advance emergency care.

The training will be provided by American Red Cross or American Heart Association certified instructor(s) who have trained in the latest emergency care. The program offers combinations of CPR and First Aid training crafted so the participant can get the best training available provided by a professional and quality instructor.

Learning Objectives

 • Describe how to recognize an emergency and size up the scene.

• Explain how to activate and work with emergency medical services (EMS)

• Under legal concepts as they apply to lay responders, including consent and the purpose of Good Samaritan laws.

• Identify and reduce the risk of disease transmission when given care.

• Demonstrate how to check a person who is unresponsive / responsive for life and non-life-threatening conditions.

• Recognize the signs and symptoms of a heart attack and describe appropriate first aid care for a person showing these signs and symptoms.

• Describe the links in the Cardiac Chain of Survival

• Demonstrate CPR and the use of an automatic external defibrillator (AED) For a person who is in cardiac arrest.

• Demonstrate first aid care for a person choking (adult/child/infant)

• Recognize signs and symptoms and describe appropriate first aid care for a person showing these signs and symptoms.

• Recognize signs and symptoms of and describe appropriate care for seizures, fainting, and stroke.

• Describe methods of controlling severe bleeding, including the use of direct pressure, wound packing, and application of a tourniquet.

• Demonstrate the application of Direct Pressure to control external bleeding.


The following modules are included:

• First Aid

• CPR / Adult/ Infant

• CPR/First Aid/AED

• Adult/Pediatrics/First Aid/CPR/ AED

• CPR Adult/AED

• Basic Life Support (BLS)

• Bloodbome Pathogens

• AED Training

• Life-Threatening Bleeding Training

• Head, Neck, Muscle, Bone & Joint Injuries Training

The modules can be taught on-line or in a classroom setting. Participant's certification is renewable every two years. The courses are American Red Cross certified classes

Executive Summary

FOP — CPR Plus was originally established as a fund-raising program for the Fraternal Order of Police Municipal Officers Lodge 9 in 2018. Richard Sease coordinated the program for the lodge. In 2019 Richard moved the program to Prominence Security as part of the curriculum of the Prominence Security Training Academy. The program had a slow start due to the Covid-19 pandemic striking the world in 2020, regained strength and continues to grow.

Richard Sease is a retired law enforcement officer with four and half decades of Law enforcement experience Prior to his career in law enforcement, Prior to his career in law enforcement. I began my EMS career as a volunteer fire fighter in 1969, became a certified PA EMT in 1972. I left the EMS field in 1985 and did not return to it until 2017 and decided to develop a mobile First Aid /CPR program that was mobile and take to the businesses or individual's location. Hence, FOP— CPR Plus Training Center was established in December 2019.

Business Description

It is the primary goal and objective to provide quality CPR/First Aid training to help individuals to recognize and respond appropriately to cardiac, breathing, and first aid emergencies. The program provides the participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to give immediate care to an individual who is injured or ill.

Business Summary

The Goals are

• Providing high quality services to individuals, organizations, and businesses.

• Expansion of the program into other states and establish training academies to provide public safety programs to include CPR/First programs.

• Promote CPR training in an out of hospital setting to render effective Emergency care until the arrival of EMS.

• To offer options to businesses that can customized to their organization to satisfy requirement for CPR training in a manner that will not disrupt the daily operations of the business by having to schedule participants to take the class and finding a replacement for them while they are away at the training. It can be done at the work site by rotating participants through the class and they can return to work upon successful completion.

• Teaching effective, accurate and complete courses by certified and professional instructors.

• Setting Instructor standards that will provide excellent teaching skills to the participants by trained and professional instructors.

• Provide the best quality service at the best price.

Long Term Goals:

• The establishing of additional training centers in other states.

• Establishing a mobile teaching classroom that is taken to the location. Participants will be able to be trained in the mobile classroom and return to work and not have to leave the job to attend training.

• To establish CPR Training supplies and related merchandise that will be available for sale in the mobile classroom.

• To partner with companies and market the training and merchandise as an affiliate to the company.

• Establish an online video training program for participants that are not able to attend a training class. Instructor will provide the training online.

• To establish a Train-the-Trainer mobile training program.

• To establish a mobile fleet to take the CPR training to client's location.

Stop the Bleed – Save A Life


In 2022 , In 2022 , 59 law enforcement officers have been murdered by gunfire.




Sponsored by

Fraternal ORDER of POLICE

Maryland Municipal Officers lodge 9

Class size is limited. Register today by calling 301-249-4205 or 301-356-2220. An American Red Cross course taught by a certified ARC Instructor. Students successfully completing the course will receive a certificate that is renewable every two years.


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6th floor,

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Rockville, MD 20852


Standard Medical Equipment Systems, LLC – DBA, (“Standard Med” ) is a certified minority (MBE) Veteran (SDVOSB) owned company, certified by the Center for Veteran Enterprises, (CVE).— Standard Med was established by Anthony B. Goodesmith, in the year 2005, to deliver high quality medical devices and laboratory equipment. Mr. Goodesmith served as a highly decorated combat signaler/communications officer in the U.S. Army and New Jersey National Guard for over 18 years. His units took part in Operation Desert Storm, and several other military campaigns after the 9/11 U.S. Terror Attacks (Operations Enduring Freedom and Noble Eagle). He received his B.S. in Marketing and Media Arts from Long Island University, NY, and his Master’s degree in Biotechnology Management from The University of Maryland University College (UMUC).Mr. Goodesmith has been working in the health care, medical industry in sales and management for over 20 years at several Fortune 500 pharmaceutical and medical device companies. Such as Eli Lilly & Company, Solvay Pharmaceuticals, AstraZeneca, Inc., Roche Laboratories, Inc. and now Standard Medical Systems, LLC. He has received the Elite Salesman Award, President’s Award, U.S. Congressional VIP Citation, and achieved #1 status in selling various pharmaceutical drugs and medical devices throughout his career. Mr. Goodesmith shares his tremendous expertise as a staff writer for the DC Health-Technology Examiner, based on his exceptional knowledge about the epidemiology of health-related issues and via medical device, regenerative, biological solutions. You may reach Mr. Goodesmith at his corporate email address: We pride ourselves on our distinct array of medical devices and diagnostic equipment we offer to the healthcare community, which delivers the highest quality control, safety and efficacy with the latest breakthroughs in medical technology.

Our ultimate aim is to work daily with the sole purpose of raising the standards of healthcare delivery for all people.
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Suite #400, 4th Floor,

Rockville, MD 20852



477 Madison Avenue,

6th floor,

New York, NY 10022



10752 Deerwood Park Blvd.,

Suite 100,

Jacksonville, FL 32256


Standard Medical Equipment Systems, LLC, Hospital Supplies, Fulton, MD